Saturday, March 07, 2009

Wank and ride

This happened to my mom yesterday afternoon.

My mom went to a friend's house in USJ13 yesterday for potluck lunch. After the lunch, she and her friends walked to their cars outside the house. Mummy was passing some cash to her friend in a car. Then this young Malay man on his motorcycle came riding along. At first she thought the guy was going to rob her or something so she quickly walked back to her car. The guy rode past her and as she reached her car, he made a u-turn and rode towards her again. My mom turned and saw the guy had..... hand on the motorcycle handlebar and one hand clamped around his errected penis. Wanking away at her!

Somehow none of my mom's friends saw that. I told her at least he didn't attack and ride off with her wallet.

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