Friday, May 29, 2009

Welcome to the Racist Side of Australia

There is racism everywhere in the world. You just have to stay in one spot long enough to experience it.

It was 5.30pm yesterday, I was on East Terrace, just finished watching "Angels and Demons" at Nova Palace Cinema ($6 student tickets for the month of May!). I was contemplating taking my usual route through Rymill Park to get back home. The sun had just gone down. I saw a young Indian couple walking in front of me and they were heading through the park. Figure that it should be safe enough if I walked behind them.... Halfway into the park, I saw this caucasian man standing around on the green. The minute he saw us, he started shouting and cursing God knows what. I could only make out "fucking" and "black". Typical racist stuff. Then he started throwing stuff at us. His paper cup (probably containing alcohol) and rubbish, stones etc.... The Indian couple and I just ignored him and tried to walk faster. To must surprise, the white guy rushed towards us. My panic buttons were going off like crazy already. He went for the Indian guy, grabbed him and started hitting him!!! The poor fella was struggling and his partner and I were just stunned. Seriously I should have screamed or something but I was just stunned. After a while the Indian guy managed to break free and the 3 of us ran out of the park.

Thank goodness he wasn't injured. I called the police when I got back, and was told to go to the station the next day to make a statement. I did exactly that, but lo and behold, when I told my story to the policewoman, I was just dismissed. True, I guess reporting anything must be pretty useless, considering I don't know who was attacker or the victim. Nothing they can do about it right? But I thought I could at least provide a collateral history of sorts should the Indian guy decide to report. No, they didn't even take down anything for records. I felt that they were quite nonchalant about the whole thing. Racial attacks? No worries. That was the vibe I was getting. In this same week, four Indian students in Victoria were brutally assaulted. One of them is in critical condition.. Even if he does survive, he will probably be blind and have brain damage. Check out the article for yourself here and here.

This isn't the first incident I've seen. Saw 2 white old ladies throwing crude remarks at African migrants (calling them animals and whatnot) in the bus. I had a feeling they could be refugees as they travelled in a large group, consisted only of women and children and had a caucasian lady as a 'tour guide' and showing them how to use the bus. Anyway the 2 old ladies didn't stop at jeering, they hollered throughout the entire bus ride bout how "these filthy animals are allowed into our country" and proceeded to fight with the guide and chase them down the street. Old ladies: they still have what it takes to be rabid.

And yes, I've met racist patients too. But then again, as long as there is a majority race, there will be exploitation and undermining of the 'lesser races'. It seems to be the wisdom of the world. Granted, most Aussies are very friendly and open hearted, but the racist minority make such a horrbile, indelible mark. Also, I don't like people giving the excuse that "he's drunk, not racist, he doesn't mean all that!" Come on. Alcohol disinhibits people. It causes people to say and act in ways that they normally wouldn't provided normal social constraints. But surely they must have been thinking it, to actually act on it.

I'm still keen on working in Australia, it's a nice place. For which is worse: being treated as a second-class citizen in a foreign country, or your own?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Through the Years and Far Away - ほしのこえ

Hello, little star
Are you doing fine?
I'm lonely as everything in birth

Sometimes in the dark
When I close my eyes
I dream of you, the planet Earth

If I could fly across this night
Faster than the speed of light
I would spread these wings of mine

Through the years and far away
Far beyond the milky way
See the shine that never blinks
The shine that never fades

Thousand years and far away
Far beyond the silky way
You're the shine that never blinks
The shine that never dies

Hello, tiny star
Can you hear me call?
I'm so blind as everything at birth

If I could flow against these nights
Straighter than the string of light
I would lay these hands on time

Through the years and far away
Far beyond the milky way
See the shine that never blinks
The shine that never fades

Thousand years and far away
Far beyond the silky way
You're the shine that never blinks
The shine that never dies

Through the years and far away
Far beyond the milky way
You're the shine that never blinks
The shine that never dies

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Anzac weekend in the Yorke Peninsula a.k.a. The Little Emu Chronicles

So finally the story of the Anzac weekend in the Yorke Peninsula with Xian-Nian and my new car, Little Emu. This is also the story of how the naming of Little Emu came to pass. On Saturday, we drove to Innes National Park, which is around 2.5 hours from Maitland (which is another 2.5 hours from the city). The weather that weekend was to put it mildly, cold and windy. Adelaide recieved so much rain that weekend it surpassed the total monthly average. I was nearly blown off a cliff at one point. Seriously. It was that windy. But it was Xian-Nian's only weekend in Maitland so we thought we'd better make the most of it. It turned out to be a really fun and hillarious adventure! Not to mention wet and cold. Stopped by some of the towns along the way to enjoy the scenery.

By the time we reached Innes National Park, it was 4pm and the sun was going down soon. Managed to skim through some of the coastlines and beaches in the park. One of the beaches was called "Little Emu Beach". And throughout our journey in the park there were several emu crossing signs. There was an Emu Street in Wallaroo, where we had lunch the following day. Plus my car was a lovely sky blue shade, similar to the colour of some emu feathers (I think.... Slobby Emu (refer below) does seem to have blue bits). So I asked my beloved, "What do you think if I name my car Little Emu?" Surprse, surprise, my dearly beloved let out a collosal *snort* and replied: "Up to you....."

So there! We got to explore yet another part of beautiful South Australia, Xian-Nian got to experience country living, I got to practice driving, Little Emu got his name! So everybody's happy. Also, Xian-Nian saw his first full rainbow that Saturday in the national park. Not only that, we saw 3 rainbows in succession! So I guess we should be thankful for the rain. ^_^

Slideshow with more photos:

SATURDAY: Minlaton, Yorketown, Warooka, Stenthouse Bay, Marion Bay, Innes National Park.

SUNDAY: Moonta, Wallaroo, Kadina, Ardrossan.

This here is another emu. His name is Slobby Emu, because he's a slob like a *certain someone I know*. Xian-Nian bought him for me from the airport, just before he went into the boarding gate. I was feeling pretty horrbile from a night of vomitting and nausea, further more I had to say goodbye to him (again). So Slobby Emu kept me company for the remainder of my time in Maitland, until I returned to the city. See his blue feathers kinda matches the blue of my car. But then again he's a soft toy and not a real emu per se....

Oh yeah, Darling. Happy 4.5 years. ^_^

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Phantom of the Opera

Went to watch the Phantom of the Opera at the Adelaide Entertainment Center with Ken today. Performance-wise, the entire cast was fantastic! Anthony Warlow played the Phantom beautifully and flawlessly (as expected). Loved it loved it loved it! The costumes and special effects were stunning (with the exception of the chandelier. OMG it looked like the UFO that time forgot. During the scene when it was supposed to come crashing down, it looked more like it was placidly floating towards the stage....). We booked our tickets quite late but still managed to get fairly decent seats for an equally decent price. Although....... in my opnion the venue for the musical SUCKED big time. The entertainment center wasn't designed for musicals! I'm sure the people sitting on the second elevation must have needed binoculars badly. The 2 great big tacky TV screens flanking the stage were useful in certain scenes, but half the time they were a distraction. I wish they held it at the festival theatre like Miss Saigon last year.

Now if only I had a gazillion bucks so that I can also watch Pink, Pussycat Dolls and Lady Gaga live in concert(s) in the next couple of weeks. -_-"

Monday, May 11, 2009

Melbourne Trip + My bf is a quarter century old today

Happy birthday, Darling. Thanks for keeping me company for the past 3.5 weeks. I know I always cry when you leave, but you've made me very happy indeed.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Where have all the cool cartoons gone?

This is totally random. Let's break from the photo parade, shall we? I'll continue on with the Melbourne trip and Anzac weekend photos next. :P

Remember the good ol' Saturday morning cartoons from the 80's and 90's? Jem, My Little Pony, He-Man, GI Joe, Denver the Last Dinosaur, Smurfs, Dungeons and Dragons, Thundercats, etc etc etc.... I can probably name a list as long as my arm. I really miss those carefree years. Anyway.... this is probably the most pointless and nonsensical one... Came across it on Youtube. This show was so random it never made any sense, but I still found it heaps funny. Ahhh... sweet nostalgia...