Monday, August 27, 2007

Dinner with Jane

Round 3 of blogging in the library during my lunch break.

It's been an interesting week, the Villagers organised a fantastic BBQ for Rahul's 22nd birthday last Saturday. Photos on Steph's blog. Had our exam briefing already, starting to feel the fear and stress creeping up now. Apparently we have to pass all 3 papers (MEQ, MCQ and OSCE) to pass 4th year. There's no way I'm repeating 4th year again!!! I'll start studying after psych is over...

My family got a new camera: A Sony Cybershot W-80! *Drools in envy* My sister is probably going nuts taking pictures of everything now. I'm gonna go home in November and leech of you! :P

Some photos from our dinner with Jane, whom came over to Adelaide for a 3-week elective. She's currently studying in St. George's Medical School in London and will be enjoying her summer holidays in KL for the next week or so (correct me if I'm wrong, Jane). :) Had lunch at this Indian Restaurant on O'Connell Street called Indian Harvest. Though some people argued that the food tasted horrible, I found it quite good. Maybe it's because I've been so deprived here. Ooo and if you're reading this Jane, I'll send you the original-sized photos once my internet is up (my most commonly used phrase now is "after my internet is up").

This is O'Connell Street, North Adelaide. Lots of cafes and restaurants. A good place to hang out or to enjoy the company of friends over a nice meal.

Self-explanatory photos. All you Malaysians and Indians out there should know what these are. :)

Another day, another tute... Signing off. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

heya.. nice post, and great pics..
so glad to catch up with u guys.. :)

anyway, i was in pg for the two wks of summer.. didnt hav time to go down to kl..

hope ur doing alrite.. take care..