Monday, October 09, 2006

There is no sky

Haze is back. Sky (what sky?) is white. Visibility is low. Weather is hot. Holidays are halfway through.

Yes folks, after two and a half months of rotting at home, I'm still alive and well. Am currently sorting out my acceptance form to Adelaide Uni. Finally it's time to get things moving. And after much procrastination, I've finally found myself a job in.....*drumroll* Mcdonalds! (the last place I wanted to work in, how ironic). But the pay is not bad for a duration on 10 days, so what the heck.

Met up with karen a few weeks back. Hehe.. it was good to see her again after all this while. Can't believe it's been more than two years since college. *sigh* The good old days... Attended Seng Kiat's 21st birthday dinner last Friday, a real gala affair. THANKS SK FOR THE WONDERFUL EVENING! Too bad that no matter where we go, we'll always be so jakun (sorry SK). More on that in the next post. :)

Just realised how little time there is before I embark on this exciting new phase in life. So far, I've done little to prepare for it. Perhaps compared to most people, I'm living a rather sheltered life (oh yeah, this will be the first time I'll be living away from my parents ever). It's so hard to leave behind everything you hold dear: family, friends, loved ones, (Ohh..Malaysian food!). It's for the best I know, and I wouldn't have it any other way. It's a golden opportunity to gain more knowledge, experience new cultures, form new friendships and hopefully become a better person. I still don't know, will I be able to stand up to the challenge? Will it really be OK? Only time will tell. Faith has helped me through so far. But even with faith, one can't help but feel scared and helpless sometimes...

I shall await my future with optimism and anticipation. Come what may, miracles do happen.

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