Thursday, April 03, 2008

Memorable quotes from O&G at the Lyell McEwin...

Received this photo some time ago but didn't realise it. It's a picture of the my rotation group and Prof. Dekker at his house the night before the viva. He invited us over for pizza and to discuss any last minute questions, before he and the other consultants grill us the morning after. Yeah... I guess I'm happy the rotation went well and turned out to be enjoyable at times. Easy for me to say though as it's over already. I certainly don't want to go through it again. Hope I pass the exam... Results will be out sometime next week.

For ppl who back home in Malaysia/my old buddies:
(L-R: Aishah, Melanie, Thanh-Thao, Elizabeth, Prof. Dekker, Laura, Brenton, Rosie, Daniel, me) Jeremy is missing from the picture 'cos he couldn't make it that night...

Let me think of a few 'memorable quotes' I heard over the course of my 9 weeks there. Not much actually, but I'm dead tired now and bored as hell:

"Young women are amazing. Some will lose 6 litres of blood and still not die. It's like you just can't kill them!" - Dr. Alphonse Roex during a lecture on antepartum & postpartum haemorrhage -

"...this goes to show that it takes multiple errors to kill a woman..." - Prof. Dekker on mismanagement of pregnant patients.

"The fetus is greedy. It will cause all these changes in the maternal circulation, to squeeze everything possible out of the woman. Just like us men." - Prof. Dekker -

"You need to be very brave to be a woman." -Prof. Dekker -

and finally:

"Be careful of stepping on people's foot. It may be connected to the ass you need to kiss tomorrow." - Jeremy Seow-

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