Friday, February 23, 2007


Okie Iona, 6 'weird' things. :P

"Each player of this game starts off by giving 6 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write in a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rules clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. After you do that, leave them each a comment letting them know you tagged them and to read your blog."

1. I have this love-hate relationship with turtles (not really hate, more like jelak). I love collecting turtles, and find turtles really cute. I have turtle toys, keychains, necklaces, earrings, fridge magnets, collar pins, purses, car stickers, postcards, books, pyjamas, stone statues, aquarium decorations, wood carvings, thermometer etc etc etc... I guess with so many turtles around, one does get rather sick of them.. so... every now and then, there're so many turtles that the sight of turtles just makes me puke. So.. yeah. I like turtles, but I'm not crazy about them.

2. I've had various accidents in IMU, most of them in Sem 1 and 2: getting hit by a car while crossing the road and developing a 10+cm diameter hematoma from falling down the stairs. Seeing my little 'string of accidents', my parents consulted a Chinese fortuneteller. In then end, they burned some talisman and made me drink the ashes.

3. If I wasn't studying medicine, I would have been doing something like fashion deisign or illustration or maybe manga.

4. I have minor congenital foot deformities, most of them corrected by wearing special shoes when I very little. My big toes are still quite deviated, though. Hallux valgus. I also have occasional bout of temporomandibular joint pain with limited range of movement. It's apparently aggravated by stress.

5. When I was in primary school, I had a pet caterpillar called Baby (took it out for walks around the rim of its plastic box). Also had a pet cockroach, locust and a pair of snails. Later on in secondary school, my parents bought me turtles.

6. I have something like a dual personality. Sometimes, especially in school, I'm pretty quiet without anything to say and prefer to keep a low profile when I'm in big groups. When I'm with my close friends, I'm a totally different person. I don't do this on purpose, perhaps at times I'm naturally.... inhibited.

Hmm.. can think of some extra stuff.. so here goes:

7. Every now and then, I do and say dumb things. Like recently. Seriously, the things I say ah... I feel like giving myself a great big kick in the ass.

8. I can be too honest for my own good.

9. I actually bought a huge Backstreet Boys T-shirt from the pasar malam when I was much younger. Only wore it a couple of times. The last time I saw it, it grossed me out so much that I wouldn't have even used it as a kitchen rag.

Okie... here's my tag list! Hehe.. if you're reading this, and you've got time to kill....

1. Christine
2. Karen
3. Kah Men
4. Calvin
5. Cindy
6. Jane

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