This is what I saw this morning while waiting for the bus. I wish you could have been there when the sun rose, filling the sky with crimson and gold and blue.
Funny, there was a lot I wanted to say, but can't think of the words right now.
7 weeks. Feels much longer than that.
The moments we shared, the times we spent together doing nothing at all... Little things that seemed insignificant in the past are now painfully absent. Guess the saying is true. You don't know what you've got 'till it's gone.
You smiled when I left. Be happy there, you said. It's a wonderful new phase in your life and no, it's not the end.
I miss you more every day. It's true though, what you said. You're not really gone. Life here is busy and my mind is occupied most of the time. Sometimes, it feels like I'm chasing after the wind. It hurts and hurts and hurts. But deep in my heart, you're still there. You come to me when it's quiet and peaceful. I can almost feel your arms around me, reassuring me that it's ok.
Got your package in the mail that day. Simple things are the sweetest things, really.
I guess all I want to say is thank you for being the loving, understanding person that you are, and for supporting me down the path I've chosen. I wouldn't have been able to go through this without your unwavering faith in me and in us. Not once were you bitter about it, not once did you complain. Thank you for seeing the silver lining beyond the gray sky.
This is just the beginning. It will get more difficult in times to come. We have faith, and that is all that matters. No one can tell the future, but at least we can say that we're trying our best. Let the experience here make me a better person, for both our sakes. And let this distance bring us closer in more ways than one.
I am happy here, because of you.