I dreamt that my university had suddenly transformed from a dull entertainment-deprived ex-shopping mall into a 5-star student haven, complete with luxurious condos, palm trees and posh restaurants. There were shower rooms for students and the ground floor of the uni was lighted up with beautiful deco lights. There were even glass doors and polished tiled floors...and bazaars selling all sorts of exotic delicacies...and...and...
Then my alarm clock rang, dragging me back to harsh reality.
As some of my friends already know, I have this certain fondness of turtles and turtle paraphernalia (though as the years go by, I feel that my liking for them is diminishing slowly, but surely). My mom borrowed a beaded turtle (a turtle figurine that's made entirely out of strings and beads) from her yoga teacher and asked my grandma if she could figure out how to make it. During her next visit she produced two orange beaded turtles. She's amazing, my grandma. I couldn't even think of how to start and she, being over 70 years of age, still has the wit and creativity to replicate such a complicated piece of work without any assistance. That's her special talent, and I admire her for that. :)
Last Saturday she came over to our place and taught me how to make the turtle. It was harder than expected. Seriously, bead art should be recommended to all aspiring surgeons, and it would most definitely help improve their dexterity. With Grandma's help, it took me almost three hours to complete a single turtle. Even now, I can't remember the steps exactly. Fortunately, she left me a sample of the starting piece. But it still takes a lot of effort to figure out which hole to put the string in and where to connect each bead, so on and so forth.
Holidays are ending in less than three weeks... *Sigh* I have a feeling that it'll all be over before I know it. Wanna complete playing my computer game and watch anime...