Sunday, May 17, 2009

Anzac weekend in the Yorke Peninsula a.k.a. The Little Emu Chronicles

So finally the story of the Anzac weekend in the Yorke Peninsula with Xian-Nian and my new car, Little Emu. This is also the story of how the naming of Little Emu came to pass. On Saturday, we drove to Innes National Park, which is around 2.5 hours from Maitland (which is another 2.5 hours from the city). The weather that weekend was to put it mildly, cold and windy. Adelaide recieved so much rain that weekend it surpassed the total monthly average. I was nearly blown off a cliff at one point. Seriously. It was that windy. But it was Xian-Nian's only weekend in Maitland so we thought we'd better make the most of it. It turned out to be a really fun and hillarious adventure! Not to mention wet and cold. Stopped by some of the towns along the way to enjoy the scenery.

By the time we reached Innes National Park, it was 4pm and the sun was going down soon. Managed to skim through some of the coastlines and beaches in the park. One of the beaches was called "Little Emu Beach". And throughout our journey in the park there were several emu crossing signs. There was an Emu Street in Wallaroo, where we had lunch the following day. Plus my car was a lovely sky blue shade, similar to the colour of some emu feathers (I think.... Slobby Emu (refer below) does seem to have blue bits). So I asked my beloved, "What do you think if I name my car Little Emu?" Surprse, surprise, my dearly beloved let out a collosal *snort* and replied: "Up to you....."

So there! We got to explore yet another part of beautiful South Australia, Xian-Nian got to experience country living, I got to practice driving, Little Emu got his name! So everybody's happy. Also, Xian-Nian saw his first full rainbow that Saturday in the national park. Not only that, we saw 3 rainbows in succession! So I guess we should be thankful for the rain. ^_^

Slideshow with more photos:

SATURDAY: Minlaton, Yorketown, Warooka, Stenthouse Bay, Marion Bay, Innes National Park.

SUNDAY: Moonta, Wallaroo, Kadina, Ardrossan.

This here is another emu. His name is Slobby Emu, because he's a slob like a *certain someone I know*. Xian-Nian bought him for me from the airport, just before he went into the boarding gate. I was feeling pretty horrbile from a night of vomitting and nausea, further more I had to say goodbye to him (again). So Slobby Emu kept me company for the remainder of my time in Maitland, until I returned to the city. See his blue feathers kinda matches the blue of my car. But then again he's a soft toy and not a real emu per se....

Oh yeah, Darling. Happy 4.5 years. ^_^


Casey said...

i have a hyundai too! an accent tho.

Alexis said...

haha yay!! my other friends here have either a toyota or honda. Better quality i suppose. But the getz was heaps cheaper, so i went with that. :P