Thursday, December 21, 2006

Listen to your grandmother

My grandma (from my mother's side) has been staying with my family for years. And even though she's well into her 70's, her mind is still quite sharp. However, when one lives with an elderly relative for a long time, one can't help but notice some of her advice is a little peculiar.... For example:

"Don't leave your underwear on the floor! At night ah... ants will come eat your panties!"


A long, long time ago, while describing what one of her granny friends went through when she was ill: "The doctors ah, put my friend in a hang kui loong (From Cantonese: direct translation means "drain hole"). You know, the one in the hospital..."

My grandma speaks Chinese by the way. It took me a while to understand what hang kui loong she was talking about. After much pondering I conluded she must have meant the hospital's MRI machine.

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