Monday, August 21, 2006

Perhentian Part 3 of 5: Snorkelling

Argh..... There was supposed to be more pictures in this entry, but dunno why Blogger is unable to display them. Wanted to put up more turtle pics! Day 2: Snorkelling Trip around the island. Prior to snorkelling, I committed 2 fatal errors:

1. Eating a hearty breakfast. The bacon was good, so I kept getting more.

2. Not bringing anti-emetic pills along. Thought some good old assam would do the trick.


The first place we visited was called Shark Point. Supposed to have sharks. But the only people who saw a shark were Calvin and Vee Han, 'cos they jumped into the water first. As usual, the water was really clear and nice there, filled with a myriad of corals and fishes. It was all fun at first, but as time passed, the rolling waves started to take a toll on my delicate stomach. -_-" At the end of the session at Shark Point, I felt so nauseous. And to make matters worse, my large bowels decided to go into action as well...

Andrew was also another one: *swim swim swim* *look at fishes* Then suddenly, *vomit drools out from the corner of his mouth, like air liur meleleh*

Xian-Nian: "Eyerr!" *quickly paddles away as the vomit floats towards him*

Fishes: "Yum!" *Immediately attack the vomit*

At least Andrew managed to stir up a feeding frenzy, so that everyone could get a good look of the fishes. :P I just dirtied the boat. Pity the boatman...

I had to ask the boatman to send Andrew and I back to the resort. Luckily he managed to flag down another boat, so that the rest wouldn't miss out on the other snorkelling spots. Good this they didn't. 'Cos at Turtle Point, they actually saw TURTLES!!!!! TURTLESSS!!!!!!!!!!!! 3 of them somemore! And they were feeding on algae on the sea floor! *sob* And I missed it! Cumbersome creatures as they are on land, they were so graceful in the water! (according to the rest) It's a good thing there was a underwater photographer cum resort guide with us (Valentina, a nice Ang Moh Lady). She took some pictures of us snorkelling and compiled it into a CD for us. No, it's not free. Had to pay RM150 per CD. Thank God for CD burners. Now each of us have our own copy.

Xian-Nian's first snorkelling trip.

Ching Ee!

People say I look like "Lady in the Water" in this pic.

L-R: Vee Han, me, Meng Lee, Shiau Wei, Calvin.

And last but not least, one of the beautiful turtles! If I'm not mistaken, it's a Hawksbill Turtle...

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