The long-awaited trip has come and gone. But before I start with my overstuffed photoblog, a brief summary my holidays so far:
Passed EOS 5 (A little too late to announce that actually. Results came out last month). Convocation is this Saturday. Don't feel like I deserve a convocation lor, considering that my knowledge can hardly fill "half a bucket" (direct translation from Cantonese).
Piano exam is tomorrow. I suffer from "The Curse of the Threesomes". If I fail something once, I'm bound to fail it again. Hence being forced to make a third attempt. It's not that I can't, it's just that I panic. Oh please lemme pass....
Have been contemplating on many things, had half a mind to post some here. But then again, I'm not very good with words especially when it comes to deeper issues. And also, I might just get flamed like crazy. So let's stick to the lighter side of life. :)
My time spent at home for that past month or so has been effectively inefficient. Lecture notes are still lying on the floor in piles. And my so-called plan to learn how to cook and sew (properly) from Mommy has been met with procrastination.
Erm, that's about it.
As per tradition, we (i.e. Andrew, Vee Han, Calvin, Meng Lee, Ching Ee, Shiau Wei, (minus Seng Kiat. AGAIN), me plus Xian-Nian) went on our yearly trip. This time, it was Pulau Perhentian in Terrenganu from the 10th-14th of August. Technically it was a 3-day 2-night stay at Perhentian Island Resort. But due to the horrendous 8-hour bus ride (Horrendous 'cos I hardly got any sleep) and waiting around for the boat to the island, the trip lasted a little over 4 days... As usual, I prefer to let the pictures do the talking. But we took so many photos, I can't decide which to leave out. So I'll do what Christine does: Post a photoblog in parts. :P
The 'interesting' signboard we found at the Kuala Besut Jetty. Apparently offences such as "lelaki berlagak seperti perempuan" are of higher priority than other things... There was another signboard too. Saw it on the way back home. "JAUHI PERBUATAN MAKSIAT" in huge bold letters, followed by a long list of hotlines which you can dial when you witness said crime. It prompts me to wonder, could the time, energy and resources be spent to address more pressing issues?

Lovely sunrise at Kuala Besut Jetty.

Ching Ee, Shiau Wei and me.

On the way to the resort at Pulau Perhentian Besar.

View of the Perhentian Island Resort Jetty.

Eee so cute! :P:P:P

Baby turtle in a bucket!

Tired and worn-out, but finally at the beach!

The sand on the beach is so fine and soft, dipping your feet into it felt so heavenly! Most of the people on the beach were Ang Mohs, we were like one of the few Malaysians there. These Ang Mohs really worship the sun. They can spend the whole afternoon just lying there tanning themselves under the scorching hot sun. I stayed in the shade most of the time, and even then I returned to the chalet dizzy and dehydrated.

Remnants from Langkawi: Ms Moist and His Magnificence Lord Skank.

An equally magnificent sunset to end our first day there. :)

The cockroach I found in our Gross-As-Hell toilet. It was then caught and duly drowned in our Gross-As-Hell toilet bowl.