First off, To everyone back in Malaysia (esp. Vee Han, Andew, Calvin, Meng Lee, Seng Kiat, Shing Wei, Seremban ppl) and the rest who are overseas (Ching Ee, Shiau Wei and Christine and my dear IMU-PMS friends) SO SORRY FOR NOT CONTACTING YOU GUYS RECENTLY! *Hangs head* Miss you guys so much, but time keeps eluding me. I promised you guys pictures and updates, so sorry you have to make do with this blog... Hope you are all happy and well, thinking of you guys always. :)
It's been a (relatively) long weekend. Monday's a holiday for us here in Adelaide. A much needed holiday, I'd say. Survived one week of the Upper GI unit. Not too bad actually, contrary to what Bryan said bout Upper GI being super hectic and super stressful. I think we have it easier because there're more students plus a couple of 6th years to help distribute the workload more evenly. Monday and Tuesday is basically spent clerking and finding out EVERYTHING about the patients. From where they live, who lives with them, how much (exactly) urine was passed in the morning, the dosages or all their drugs, etc etc etc. Then Wednesday we go to the wards early to check on the patients before the consultant comes along at 7.30a.m. We're supposed to present the patients to the consultants and update them on any changes.
Yesterday, I went to Harbour Town with Jebbrine, the M204 girls (Stephanie, Sue Chuen, Shiau Cern and Christine) and some seniors. Clothes here are sooo cheap during sales period (with the exception of shoes. There's no such thing as cheap shoes in Adelaide). *sigh* Wish I was earning cash in AUD!! It was really fun... nothing beats shopping therapy!
Today, Ken and I decided to visit Hahndorf, a little German village situated in the Adelaide Hills. Unfortunately, Jebbrine and the M204s had church. Would have been nice if they went too. Autumn's creeping in, so the weather was a little chilly and it drizzled a bit. Hahndorf is around 40 minutes bus ride from the city. Felt like I was going to KKB again. :P The objectives for our first trip was:
1. Have look round Hahndorf (duh)
2. Visit Yin Yee, our batchmate and her parents' Chinese restaurant.
3. Eat food from said Chinese restaurant.
4. Eat more food from everywhere else.
Did we fufill these objectives? I'd say we did. Very satisfying visit indeed. :)
Hmm... wonder what is a Hofbrauhaus?
There's a nice little shop that sells chocolate in all sorts of unique and quirky packages. Take Bochox® for example. This is printed on the chocolate box:
Active ingredients cocoa solids - 70%
or relief from the symptoms of wrinkles and crow's feet.
Warning: May cause weight gain if used incorrectly.
Directions: Simply break off the desired dosage and consume. You should be quickly overcome by stress-relieving endorphins and no longer be concerned in the slightest about your wrinkles.
NOT TO BE TAKEN seriously.
A must-have in any first aid kit: emergency chocolate!
Camwhoring everywhere...
This is the Chinese restaurant belonging to Yin Yee's parents. Her parents are from Malaysia whereas she was born here in Adelaide. Had a nice chat with her dad and uncle, who generously prepared two very, very, VERY delicous dishes for us. Definitely the best Malaysian Chinese food we've tasted to date. We are soooo visiting their restaurant again soon!
Cool Chinese scriptures lining every table. The ambience of the place is authentically Chinese. From the Chinese lanterns, red table cloths, decorations and classical Chinese music playing in the background.
Our first dish: Beef "wat tan hor"!
And our second dish: a mega-huge bowl of curry laksa. Finishing it proved to be challenging even for Ken, and that's saying something. Apparently Yin Yee warned her dad in advance that
"..this guy eats alot...." :P:P
For dessert, we had four absolutely delightful scoops of ice-cream: Bailey's, Kahlua coffee, rum and raisin and chocolate! *swoons* As Yin Yee was relating to us what Hans (another batchmate) said:
"Everyone has 2 stomachs. One is the main stomach, and the other is something called the Dessert Stomach. So no matter how full you are from a meal, there's always room for dessert, because you have a dessert stomach!" After a very satisfying lunch, Yin Yee took us around Hahndorf. It's a really small place consisting of only one row of little shops. Most of them are tourist-oriented, from German bakeries, sausage shops and souvenir shops. The place reminds me of Cameron Highlands, only less commercialised.
A cafe/pub with a lone palm tree sticking out in the background. The tree looked so out of place considering it's a German restaurant near the hills.
Yin Yee and I posing next to a fake plastic horse....-_-"
One of the souvenirs you can purchase from beautiful, little Hahndorf...
I don't know what this was doing on the sidewalk.
A group of bikers and their shinny Harleys...
What Ken and I bought from Hahndorf!! *damn guilty already*: Black and white chocolate, German garlic mettwurst, a BUM BURNER, chocolate and baileys fudge, hot chocolate + chili sachet, red wine + garlic mustard, a couple of pastries and a slab of Bochox®.
This here is a BUM BURNER. As the name mentions, it's freaking spicy. I cut of a teeny tiny
sliver of the thing, and OMG my eyes watered in seconds! It should prove useful in winter. But then again, eating spicy stuff = visiting the loo more often = burning my erm... bum?